New Lower Prices!

We have always prided ourselves, here at Sea Change, as being clearly priced.  We advocate for all industries to include tax in their price so the consumer knows what they are walking our the door with.  We’ve always had our $20, $15, and $10 grams, getting cheaper as you bought more weight.  But the outdoor grow is coming in, prices are lowering every where, and we are always looking to pass on our savings to our friends on the other side of the counter, so we’re introducing a few new price points.  Sorry to clutter it up.

$8 Grams

We had some Sweet As Permafrost at $8 a gram, and will offer more and more specials where you can walk out the door with and $8 gram (and $25 eigths!).  Right now you can come in to the store and buy some Alpha Budz Red Dragon,  Juicy Fruit, and Purple Haze for $8 a gram.  Can you believe it?  First legal weed, then good legal weed, now cheap good legal weed.  Hallelujah!

$12 grams

Even more exciting is the new $12 price point which takes a lot of our favorites down to $12 per gram and $10 gram in 3.5 gram or more.  Check out our menu on our website or for all the $12 options, but we have some of our favorite producers, like Sysco Pancho, Woodpecker, and Captain Hanson’s at the $12 price.

Molly’s 15 Minutes have started

Check out the great interview with our own Molly at Cash Cow Cannabis about the state of retail cannabis in Washington and come behind the counter with us for a few minutes.

Oh, and $25 .5 gr Shatter from Kettle River

That’s right, all shatter from Kettle River is priced to move at $25 a .5 gram.  Take another $2.5 off on ShatterDay.  Haven’t tried shatter yet?  Check out the Honey Badger.  Simple, elegant, less meth-y, and only $25 at Sea Change.